Saturday, 22 March 2008

How To Cross The Road Instructional Video

Above is my final "How to Cross the Road" Instructional Video

I found the film be be a very enjoyable part of this project. I have under took many small video projects before, but this one was on a much lager scale.

Using the camera was easy once I had learned the basics

The editing process was equally enjoyable as the filming. I have done some simple editing before and found the transition form iMove to Apple Final Cut simple and intuitive.

Over all i feel i have gained a lot from partaking in the video module and feel i have a renewed interest in video. I am now considering taking taking the video route in the second year of the course.

This project has also made me consider taking a career in either post production or as a camera opereator / videographer.

I am very proud of this piece of video it currently has 385 views on I would like to thank all the people who have been helping me promote it and help it get extra views and would ask anyone who reads this blog post to add this to there facebook status

"watch this amazing video"

or add the link to any other social sites you may uses

(I have set my personal goal at 500 views)


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