Sunday, 26 October 2008

This week ......

This week I am going to try to update this blog once a day. I will be using it as a digital scrap book

I am spending the week visiting my girlfriend in Newcastle and I just thought it would be a fun to chronicle what I have done with the week.

I am not sure how appropriate it is to use this blog to post things that I do out side of college, but I don't want to set up a forth blog as I don't think I would post regularly enough to it.

Again I don't think what I post on here over the next week will be of great interest to anyone, so I am sorry if you find it boring :(

I just want to test out how good I am at taking out my phone capturing some media (photos and videos) and editing it together into a blog post

It will all be back to college and technology posts after the half term

So with out further a do

My first day of half term .......

I set of mid evening to Leeds city train station.

Once I had board the train. I whipped out my MacBook and killed the time of the hour and a half journey watching Children of Men

My journey took me through York, Darlington, Durham

I caught a couple of pictures of The Yorkshire Wheel as I passed through York

Arriving at my final destination Newcastle

As I said not the most interesting of post! :)

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