Thursday, 31 December 2009

iPhoneography - Which blogging platform is best?

So tomorrow I will be launching my new iPhoneography blog

My preference for a name is still iSeeLeeds however I have also thought if I want to establish myself as the 1st and premier iPhoneographer of Leeds perhaps the name theiphoneographerleeds would be a good name, but is it possible a little too long and wordy for a URL?

My next challenge is to decide on which blogging platform to use. I want as many people to be able to follow this blog in a way that is simple and easy for them. I need to select a platform that the majority of people use. From personal experience of people I have met in the Yorkshire Digital Community I believe this to be blogspot. However I think if I take the Yorkshire Digital Community out of the equation a larger number of (photographic / arts) people use tumblr.

There is always the possibility to cross posting using a desktop blogging application, but then this would make it harder for me to go back and respond to comments. (Would I be possibly be spreading myself (and my work) to thinly)

As previously mentioned I wish to bring this blog to the attention of people in Leeds and possible develop an iPhone Photography Community in the Leeds / West Yorkshire / Yorkshire area.

I am aware that on my own that I will not be able to reach many people, therefore a plan to approach other bloggers with interests in photography, digital media and technology to write about my project. I could also ask people who cover art projects with in the Leeds area to write about my project with the aim of gaining more publicity for the project.

If I want this project to be taken seriously by other media outlets I feel I will also need to work with other people to help me design and create skins for my chosen blogging platform. If you would like to help me out with this part of the project then please leave a comment below. In the bio of the iPhoneography project I will give you credit for your work and link back to you.

So that is where the project currently stands but ….

The question still remains, what is your favourite blogging platform? Let me know in the comments. Also suggest ways in which I can build up followers and a community around iPhoneography


Anonymous said...

Keep the URL as short as possible. I like iseeleeds, but it doesn't say anything about what the blog is about. how about

I like the idea of this blog, but I think you'll eventually have to do a custom site design, as I don't see how you'll be able to make it user-interactive in a blog format. There are lots of flickr groups dedicated to iPhone photography already, (like

maybe you could just make a flickr group called iphone in leeds? More chance of people visiting the group, and you can post the images from the group onto a blog?

Good luck!

- Dave

Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...


Yep I totally agree with you I need to establish to people what the content of the blog is when they arrive at the page.

That is why I intend give the the blog a title something along the lines of "I see Leeds through the lens of an iPhone"

This will be displayed at the top of the browser and also feature in a custom header I plan on designing.

What do you mean by "user-interactive"? Can you explain how a blog is not user-interactive?

Thank you for the tip about using Flicker I have already considered using a social media marketing mix. I want the blog to be the main focus, but I will be uploading content across other social media sites such as Flickr, and this will all link back to the blog.

If you can add any more thoughts or comments to this post please feel free to do so.

Many Thanks

-Luke :)

tommyfishback said...

I think you should use Wordpress, because there are so many free themes that allow you to incorporate a photo style blog. Also, a plus is that there is a Wordrpress iphone app which allows you to post text and images from your device.

Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...


I have no experience of WordPress and believe it not to be 'Social' can people follow your blog with WordPress?

As I mentioned in the blog post I could always cross post, but I feel that could dilute the brand of "iPhone photography Leeds" as people may be confused as where is best / official place to visit.

One solution I could use is to find someone to skin and manage the technical aspects of the blog then I would feel more confident in using a platform such as wordpress

I know you have a back ground and history in social media and blogging so any further advice you can offer me would be very much appreciated.

-luke :)

Elizabeth... said...

might be a good idea...
Short and snappy will be much better.

I use blogger for all of the blogs I follow, ones hosted on blogger, wordpress and even individual websites like Tom Milsom and Alex Day's show up.

I think if it's a photo based project though Dave's idea of a Flickr group is much better than blog focussed.

Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...

might be a good idea...
Short and snappy will be much better.

I use blogger for all of the blogs I follow, ones hosted on blogger, wordpress and even individual websites like Tom Milsom and Alex Day's show up.

I think if it's a photo based project though Dave's idea of a Flickr group is much better than blog focussed.


I have considered being the LeedsiPhone, I just feel this name limits me. The emphasis is not the fact I am using an iPhone more so that I am photographing or "capturing" what is happening around me. Never the less perhaps I use this idea to branch off a separate idea . . .

Speaking of which I am thinking of doing weekly / monthly videos . . . . Where by I capture video clips then edit them up in to (around) 1 minute videos, to be posted online. I feel this would suit quite well to go under the icaptureleeds name, although maybe the video channel should be ifilmleeds / ivideoleeds and then pictures and videos all posted up under iCaptureLeeds gah so many decisions and possibilities


wiibart said...

I'm a fan of posterous, you should check it out. Would be a good choice for your photo blog.

iseeleeds is a good name for a blog I think.

Phelim said...

I suppose tumblr seems the most obvious if you want the 'social' aspects. Particularly as so many people seem to use it.

Having said that the only platform that I really have experience with is Wordpress. I do like how customisable it is. And, I've just had a look and you can 'follow' people's blogs and have blogroles etc.

Have you decided on a name/url now?

Anonymous said...


Love the idea, really think it will show off how even a phone camera can be used to get some great shots.

Blogging platform wise, I'm a fan of Tumblr and Squarespace, both have really easy media controls, great for photos, but I'd second the vote for using Flickr to store the photos.

Let me know how you get on, oh and iSeeLeeds would work, if you need any help designing a logo or anything, let me know


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