Thursday, 28 February 2008

iJustine New Media Star Dedicates Video Blog To Me

There are a few blogs i read religiously one of which is owned by Justine Ezarik who blogs about Mac products and post viral videos.

Justine resides in Pittsburgh, PA as a freelance graphic/web designer and video editor

She has made more than 200 videos, including satires on such subjects as Lost and parkour, with a span from 2000 views to almost 500,000 views, depending on the content. She is sometimes described as a "new media star".

Justine has also made appearances on Macbreak and works with xtrain creating viral content and social marketing. In addition, you can also find her every Sunday co-hosting GeekRiot.

In December Justine and Desiree (her room mate) participated in the 2006 Yahoo Talent Show contest with judges Tom Green, Ask a Ninja and Maria Sansone where they placed second.

We often get told by mike and annabeth that is important that we comment on blogs and respond to peoples work

I recently commented on one of Justine's blog post, when checking back on her blog today she had dedicated a vlog to me!

Who would of thought it !!!

1 comment:

rockbigdave said...

You lucky mofo. :p

She well wants your bum :p

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